​​​​2822 Pennsylvania Ave.

Weirton, WV 26062

(304) 914-6888


Kroger will donate a portion of your purchases to DANCEnterprises at no cost to you! 

visit- www.krogercommunityrewards.com

sign in with your online account or click register to create one. 

Once logged in- 

  • click on your name at the top of the screen to go to the account summargy page
  • at the bottom of the following page, click enroll below the community rewards section
  • you will be prompted again to enter your name and address
  • enter DANCEnterprises in the empty box and click search
  • click the small dot next to DANCEnterprises and click select

You are now enrolled! 

DANCEnterprises will now show up on the bottom of your receipts. 


Donating to a wonderful non-profit organization for the children in your community has never been so easy.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in DANCEnterprises.  With the help of your generosity a child in our area can enjoy the fun of dance, the companionship of new friends and the gratitude of learning a new skill.  There are several ways to donate to our wonderful organization.

1.  Add DANCEnterprises to your Kroger Rewards Card and a portion is donated to our organization straight from Kroger, at no cost to you.

2. Become a sponsor, DANCEnterprises will promote your business in our studio, at our events, and on our t-shirts. You can pick and choose what best suits your budget and your business.

4. Monetary donations to DANCEnterprises, 2822 Pennsylvania Ave., Weirton, WV  26062.  Please label mailed checks as DONATION.   All donations are tax deductible. see blow about this amazing program. 

**For help with making any of these forms of donations, please call Anna at 304-914-6888 or see Michele in the studio office.