​​​​2822 Pennsylvania Ave.

Weirton, WV 26062

(304) 914-6888


Birthday Parties at DANCEnterprises

Let us make your birthday parties a breeze!!!! We have the perfect space for your next event.

Tier 1- $200 *BEST VALUE*

Let us take care of it all for you! We decorate and clean up; you are only responsible for the food and cake.
You can pick from our themes. (If you want your own theme the charge is an extra $50.)

11 and up: *Glow Party, *Movie Party *Hang out and chill.
10 and under: *Barbie *Dinosaurs *Traditional birthday theme (Pick 2 colors)

We plan the activities, 1st hour is our planned activities, 2nd hour is all yours to eat/open presents.

You pick from:  *obstacle course, *dance class, *gymnastics class.


Tier 2- $150

We set tables and chairs up
We plan the activities, 1st hour is our planned activities, 2nd hour is all yours to eat/open presents.

you pick from: *obstacle course, *dance class, *gymnastics class.

2 hours for the party- You get 30 minutes for set up and 30-minutes for tear down & clean up. Total time: 3 hours

Tier 3- $100

We set tables and chairs up.
Limited supervision from our end
2 hours for the party- You get 30 minutes for set up and 30-minutes for tear down & clean up. Total time: 3 hours

Parties are on Saturdays & Sundays; time will be decided with Becky when you call to reserve your party. Every 30 minutes you go over your time, you will be charged $50.
Max 20 students! Please be aware of limited parking, we have a lot in front and in back. Parents will be aware of specific parking places they should take to allow more room for friends and families.
Contact our planner! Becky Drake 304-374-9681] You must pay for your party in full at the time of booking, DANCEnterprises will keep your card on file until the party is over. If there is damage, you are liable.